
9 Charcoal Soap Benefits + Easy Black Soap Recipe

Learn all these incredible charcoal soap benefits, along with an easy black soap recipe that uses natural ingredients. Charcoal soap helps with skin conditions, acne, excess oil, and so much more!

In the world of skincare, charcoal soap has emerged as a powerful soap for achieving clear, radiant skin.

There are so many activated charcoal soap benefits that go beyond traditional cleansing methods.

In this ​step-by-step guide, you will learn the top charcoal bar soap benefits, an easy to follow homemade black soap recipe, and the different ways you can use charcoal soap!

I started using charcoal soap when I found out the benefits of activated charcoal in soap from a natural living company. I was intrigued so I bought it and loved the results.

It became one of my favorite skin care products and I used it as a face wash almost daily. With all the charcoal soap benefits for face, I wanted to learn how to make my own. And it was so easy!

Whether you want to use it as a body soap, skin rashes, or for acne, here is how to make your own!

charcoal soap benefits pin image

What is Charcoal Soap?

Charcoal soap is a skincare product infused with activated charcoal, derived from sources like bamboo or coconut shells.

This type of charcoal undergoes a special activation process, which makes it highly porous. These microscopic pores trap impurities, toxins, and excess oils, making it an ideal choice for cleansing the skin.

The main ingredient, charcoal, is a natural product that helps with all sorts of skin issues and works for sensitive skin types too!

It is an excellent choice for dry skin, acne-prone skin, oily skin, and so much more!

Charcoal Soap Benefits for Your Skin

This natural soap can be used on the entire body and is a great way to keep your skin soft, healthy, and clean. Here are some of the top benefits of charcoal soap!

1. Deep Cleansing

Charcoal soap provides a deep and thorough cleanse that regular soaps often fall short of.

Charcoal is very absorbent and can draw out dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin. Its adsorption properties help in unclogging pores, preventing acne, and reducing blackheads.

This helps remove buildup from pores and leaves skin feeling super clean.

2. Balancing Oily Skin

For individuals with oily skin, charcoal soap is a game-changer. It regulates oil production, keeping your skin balanced and less prone to breakouts.

If you have naturally oily skin, a charcoal soap can remove excess oil and sebum. This prevents greasy shine and clogged pores.

Treating oily skin is one of the top benefits of activated charcoal soap.

front view of charcoal soap

3. Exfoliation

Many charcoal soaps contain small granules or powdered charcoal that provide a gentle physical exfoliation as you lather. This removes dead skin cells and reveals smoother, brighter skin.

Using activated charcoal in your bar soap acts like a gentle exfoliator.

4. Soothing Irritation

Charcoal soap’s anti-inflammatory properties can soothe irritated skin, making it an excellent choice for those with skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

5. Fights Acne

One of my favorite charcoal face soap benefits is it’s ability to remove impurities and excess oils to help in preventing and treating acne.

By deep cleaning pores and removing excess oil, charcoal can help reduce acne breakouts. It also has antimicrobial properties that may help fight bacteria.

Charcoal soap benefits for acne is amazing and the top reason why so many love charcoal soap!

top view of charcoal bar soap

6. Minimizes Pore Size

Using charcoal soap regularly can lead to smaller, less visible pores, resulting in smoother-looking skin.

Charcoal soap can remove blockages and impurities from pores, thus minimizing their appearance. The deep clean also helps control excess oil that can enlarge pores.

By cleansing deeply and unclogging pores, charcoal soap can be effective in reducing the appearance of blackheads as well.

Charcoal soap can give the skin a tighter and more youthful appearance by minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores.

It is another one of the charcoal soap benefits for skin!

7. Skin Detoxification

Activated charcoal’s unique ability to absorb and remove impurities makes it a powerful ingredient in skincare.

Regular use of charcoal soap detoxifies the skin, ridding it of toxins and pollutants accumulated throughout the day.

When used in soap, it draws out dirt, bacteria, and pollutants from the skin’s surface, leaving it clean and refreshed.

The key ingredient is used is so many things to help you detox, so it’s no wonder it does in a soap too!

black soap with scrunchie

8. Anti-Aging Properties

Charcoal soap can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a youthful glow.

The exfoliation of charcoal soap helps remove dull surface skin cells. This reveals fresher, younger-looking skin underneath. Charcoal also contains antioxidants that help protect against premature aging.

Another reason why charcoal soap for face is a great idea.

9. Soothing Irritation

Some people find that charcoal soap helps soothe skin irritation and redness, making it a good option for sensitive skin types.

If you have a skin irritation, try using this black soap on the affected areas to provide you with the right skin nourishment.

black soap on table with towel and loofah

It’s important to note that while charcoal soap can offer these benefits, individual results may vary. Additionally, some people with very dry or sensitive skin may find charcoal soap too drying, so it’s essential to choose a formulation that suits your specific skin type and needs. As with any skincare product, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test before using it on your face or body to ensure you don’t experience any adverse reactions.

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Homemade Black Soap Recipe

Now you know the benefits, here is a super easy charcoal soap recipe!


ingredients for black soap


Mix the activated charcoal with the rubbing alcohol until it is a liquid consistency. This will help mix the charcoal thoroughly into the soap. 

Cut up the soap into little cubes and put into a heat safe container. 

Slowly melt the soap base in the microwave in 30 second intervals until it is melted completely. 

mixing the charcoal in the soap

Then, slowly add in the charcoal and mix until the soap base is all black. 

Finally add in your essential oils. 

adding essential oils

Pour into the soap mold. Spray the top with some rubbing alcohol to prevent bubbles on the top of your soap. 

soap in the mold

Let it sit for a few hours or until fully hardened. 

Pop them out of the mold and enjoy! 


  • This recipe yields about 4 soaps, using the mold above. Check out my favorite soap molds.
  • Essential oils are optional, but are great to add for added benefits. 
  • You can use any melt and pour soap base, I just used goat’s milk in this recipe. 

How to Use Charcoal Soap

There are so many charcoal soap uses! Here are a few of the uses I’ve found most beneficial:

  1. Facial Cleanser:
    • Wet your face with warm water.
    • Lather the charcoal soap in your hands or on a washcloth.
    • Gently massage the lather onto your face in circular motions.
    • Avoid the eye area.
    • Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
    • Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  2. Body Cleanser:
    • In the shower or bath, wet your body with warm water.
    • Rub the charcoal soap directly onto your skin or use a washcloth or loofah.
    • Work the soap into a lather and cleanse your body, paying attention to areas prone to acne or breakouts.
    • Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.
  3. Exfoliating Scrub:
    • For gentle exfoliation, you can create a scrub by combining small amounts of crushed charcoal soap with water.
    • Gently massage the scrub onto your face or body in circular motions.
    • Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Spot Treatment:
    • For targeted treatment of acne or blackheads, wet the affected area with warm water.
    • Rub the charcoal soap onto the spot or use a cotton swab to apply a small amount of lather.
    • Leave it on for a few minutes (not too long to avoid drying out the skin) and then rinse off.
  5. Mask:
    • You can create a mask by applying a thick layer of charcoal soap lather to your face.
    • Leave the mask on for about 5-10 minutes (or as directed on the product label).
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  6. Makeup Brush Cleaner:
    • Wet your makeup brushes or sponges with warm water.
    • Swirl them on the surface of the charcoal soap to create a lather.
    • Rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear.
    • Allow the brushes to air dry.
  7. Hand and Foot Cleanser:
    • Use charcoal soap to cleanse your hands and feet thoroughly, especially after a day of outdoor activities.
  8. Shaving Soap:
    • Create a lather with the charcoal soap and use it as a shaving soap for a smooth shave.
front view of charcoal soap

Charcoal Soap


  • 2 tablespoons activated charcoal
  • ~ 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
  • 1 pound of goat’s milk melt and pour soap base
  • 20-30 drops of essential oils (optional)
  • Soap mold


    1. Mix the activated charcoal with the rubbing alcohol until it is a liquid consistency. This will help mix the charcoal thoroughly into the soap.
    2. Cut up the soap into little cubes and put into a heat safe container.
    3. Slowly melt the soap base in the microwave in 30 second intervals until it is melted completely.
    4. Then, slowly add in the charcoal and mix until the soap base is all black.
    5. Finally add in your essential oils.
    6. Pour into the soap mold. Spray the top with some rubbing alcohol to prevent bubbles on the top of your soap.
    7. Let it sit for a few hours or until fully hardened.
    8. Pop them out of the mold and enjoy!


    • This recipe yields about 4 soaps, using the mold above.
    • Essential oils are optional, but are great to add for added benefits.
    • You can use any melt and pour soap base, I just used goat’s milk in this recipe.

    Charcoal Bar Soap FAQs

    What are the disadvantages of charcoal soap?

    Sometimes charcoal soap can dry out your skin. I like to use it every other day or use a different face cleanser to switch it daily to prevent my skin from drying out.

    Does charcoal soap brighten skin?

    Some people have found soap with charcoal to help brighten their skin as it removes dead skin and helps lighten dark spots.

    How long does charcoal soap take to work?

    If you want to have these benefits of charcoal soap, it is best to use it for a month before you notice the benefits.

    Charcoal Soap Wrap-Up

    Charcoal soap is a skincare gem that offers a wide range of benefits. From deep cleansing to acne-fighting properties, it’s a versatile addition to any skincare routine.

    Embrace the power of activated charcoal and unlock healthier, more radiant skin today.

    I love my charcoal bar soap, and I hope you do too!

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