
10 Peppermint Soap Benefits + Easy Soap Recipe

Learn all the incredible peppermint soap benefits, along with a super easy natural peppermint soap recipe you can use to make your own! They are perfect for Christmas soaps.

Peppermint has long been prized for its many therapeutic properties and invigorating scent. From soothing headaches to settling upset stomachs, this versatile herb has been used for centuries to relieve a variety of ailments.

One of the best ways to experience the benefits of peppermint is by using a peppermint bar soap.

You will find tons of peppermint bath products for the holiday season because it reminds you of candy canes and Christmas.

Since it was in December when I made this soap, I thought, why not make it a Christmas themed soap and make it look like a candy cane?

Learn the benefits of peppermint soap, along with a super easy recipe to make your own mint bar soap either to give for Christmas or have all year round.

Peppermint soap benefits pin image

Peppermint Soap Benefits

Here are the benefits of peppermint soap for your skin, face, hair, and so much more!

Natural Cooling Effect

One of the most noticeable effects of peppermint is the cooling sensation it creates when applied to the skin. This is due to the compound menthol which is found abundantly in peppermint oil.

Menthol triggers the cold-sensitive receptors in the skin, leaving a refreshing tingly feeling. Using a peppermint soap can mimic the cooling effect of splashing cold water on your face. It revitalizes and wakes up your skin, especially first thing in the morning.

The crisp minty aroma also works as an invigorating pick-me-up for your senses.

Calms Inflammation

In addition to feeling cooling, peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm irritated skin. The menthol in peppermint acts as a natural analgesic that soothes away redness and swelling.

Peppermint soap can be especially helpful for conditions like eczema or psoriasis which are characterized by inflamed, flaky skin.

peppermint bar soaps

The anti-itch and cooling properties provide welcome relief when skin is broken out or aggravated. With regular use, peppermint soap may help reduce recurrence of flare-ups, making it one of the best peppermint soap benefits for skin.

Controls Excess Oil Production

Peppermint’s ability to regulate oil production makes it a great addition to soap for those with oily skin types. Using peppermint soap helps remove excess oil without over-drying the skin.

In fact, the menthol encourages the skin to stimulate oil production in areas that are under-nourished. It works to balance and normalize oil levels across the face.

Those with chronically oily skin may notice less shine and fewer clogged pores over time with a peppermint soap regimen.

It’s one of the top peppermint soap benefits for face!

Natural Antimicrobial

Traditional medicine has long utilized peppermint as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. Modern research has backed up these antimicrobial effects.

The essential oils in peppermint contain high levels of menthol which can combat certain bacteria and fungus strains that colonize on the skin.

peppermint soaps stacked up

Using a peppermint soap ensures the skin stays cleansed of acne-causing bacteria. The antifungal properties also prevent issues like athlete’s foot or ringworm.

Fights Body Odor

The minty scent of peppermint acts as a deodorizer that helps keep foul body odors at bay. Unlike perfumes or fragrances that simply mask odors, peppermint soap can actively destroy bacteria responsible for BO.

The antimicrobial effects kill off odor-causing microbes, especially in hot spots like the underarms or feet. A peppermint soap rinse leaves skin smelling fresh and clean. Use it as part of your post-workout shower routine to remove any lingering sweat odors.

This is also why I love using a peppermint deodorant too!

Invigorating Aroma

Perhaps one of the most beloved features of peppermint is its crisp, uplifting scent. The familiar minty aroma has an unmistakable cooling freshness. Using a peppermint soap fills your shower and bathroom with an energizing pick-me-up scent.

The bright fragrance helps shake off any morning grogginess or mid-day fatigue. Few scents are as quintessentially refreshing as peppermint. Adding it to your soap and bath products is an easy way to revive your senses.

Peppermint’s refreshing scent can help boost mental alertness, clarity and recall. It’s invigorating for both mind and body. Some people find peppermint helpful for headaches too, making it the perfect soap smell to add to your morning routine.

Christmas peppermint soaps

Improves Circulation

The menthol in peppermint can help stimulate blood flow when applied topically to the skin. Increased circulation delivers more nutrients and oxygen to cells, supporting healthier skin.

Sunburn Soothing

The anti-inflammatory and cooling properties of peppermint make it ideal for providing sunburn relief when skin is inflamed or overheated. It can help reduce redness and sensitivity.

Pair it with my aloe vera salve and you will feel so much better!

Dandruff Control

The antifungal qualities of peppermint oil can help treat fungal infections that cause dandruff. Peppermint soap may improve scalp health.

This was my favorite peppermint soap benefits for hair too. I had really bad dandruff and the only thing that helped was a hair soap that had peppermint in it! The cooling effect was so soothing to my hair and completely fixed my dandruff problem.

close up view of peppermint soap

Natural Exfoliant

While it isn’t as powerful as other exfoliant soaps, it still has slight exfoliating effects. The active oils help dissolve dead skin cells and surface debris that dull skin’s radiance.

With regular use, peppermint soap can gently refine skin texture. Flakes and rough patches become smoother after consistent cleansing.

Combining your peppermint soap with a loofah or textured cloth will amplify the exfoliating effects. Or, you can add some salt or sugar to your soap bar to increase the exfoliant properties too.

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Peppermint Bar Soap Recipe

Here is a super easy peppermint soap bar recipe to follow! It will make 4 rectangle soaps if you use the same mold I did.


peppermint soap ingredients


Cut up the melt and pour soap base into small cubes about one inch. 

soap all cut up

Put half of the cubes of soap into a microwave-safe glass container and melt in 30-second increments until fully melted. 

Add in the 20 drops of peppermint essential oil. 

adding essential oil

Pour into the soap molds, filling each rectangle halfway. 

Melt the other half of the soap base like in step 2. Then stir in the red mica powder until fully mixed. 

adding mica powder to soap base

Pour the red soap base onto the white until the rectangle is full of soap. Swirl the colors around with a wooden stick to mix it up a bit. Let it sit overnight or for a few hours at least. 

soap in the mold

Pop the soap out of the molds when it is hardened, and enjoy! 


  • Any soap mold will work; it does not have to be the one I used. 
  • You can use any melt-and-pour soap base. If you use a clear soap base, you won’t need as much red coloring. 
  • Mica powder gives it a fun color but is not necessary. If you do use it, make sure to mix until it is all-even to avoid clumps of red in your soap. 
  • If you don’t want any bubbles on the top of the soap, you can spray it with rubbing alcohol after pouring the soap into the mold. 
peppermint bar soaps

Peppermint Soap


  • Soap mold
  • 1 tablespoon red mica powder
  • 1 pound of goat’s milk melt-and-pour soap base
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil


    1. Cut up the melt and pour soap base into small cubes about one inch.
    2. Put half of the cubes of soap into a microwave-safe glass container and melt in 30-second increments until fully melted.
    3. Add in the 20 drops of peppermint essential oil.
    4. Pour into the soap molds, filling each rectangle halfway.
    5. Melt the other half of the soap base like in step 2. Then stir in the red mica powder until fully mixed.
    6. Pour the red soap base onto the white until the rectangle is full of soap. Swirl the colors around with a wooden stick to mix it up a bit. Let it sit overnight or for a few hours at least.
    7. Pop the soap out of the molds when it is hardened, and enjoy!


  • Any soap mold will work; it does not have to be the one I used.
  • You can use any melt-and-pour soap base. If you use a clear soap base, you won’t need as much red coloring.
  • Mica powder gives it a fun color but is not necessary. If you do use it, make sure to mix until it is all-even to avoid clumps of red in your soap.
  • If you don’t want any bubbles on the top of the soap, you can spray it with rubbing alcohol after pouring the soap into the mold.

Peppermint Soap FAQs

Is peppermint soap good for your skin?

Yes a handmade natural soap with peppermint in it is super beneficial for your skin! It can help with excess oil production, calm inflammation, clean your skin, and so much more.

Is peppermint oil good for acne?

Peppermint oil can be good for acne, but it should not be used straight on your face. You will need to dilute it properly with a carrier oil, or in a peppermint soap like this one.

What are the benefits of peppermint?

There are lots of peppermint properties that are beneficial for your skin and body. Mint soap has antibacterial and antifungal properties, can help with inflammation, odor, and offers tons more benefits. Try this recipe and make your own peppermint bar soap today!

Benefits of Peppermint Soap Wrap-Up

Peppermint soap makes a great addition to any natural bath and body regimen. Allow the cooling, clarifying properties of peppermint to give your skin an invigorating refresh.

With regular use, you’ll notice cleaner, calmer, more balanced skin. Enjoy all the peppermint soap benefits mentioned above and make your own handmade mint soap today!

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