
Easy DIY Magnesium Lotion

Learn how to make your own handmade magnesium lotion for sleep, muscles, skin care, and so much more! This recipe is easy to make and will teach you all the benefits of magnesium lotion.

Magnesium is such a powerhouse mineral. From promoting better sleep to soothing sore muscles, the benefits of magnesium are vast.

I learned that most of us are magnesium deficient, and started using an all-natural magnesium lotion from Earthley.

But, I really wanted to learn how to make my own, so after experimenting, I finally found created a magnesium lotion recipe that I love!

In this article, learn how to make magnesium lotion, along with all the benefits and ways to use this magnesium cream too!

Magnesium lotion pin image

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How to Make Magnesium Lotion

Before we explore the benefits and uses, let’s quickly whip up a batch of this lotion with magnesium. Here’s a simple magnesium lotion recipe to get you started:



  1. Add the coconut oil, carrier oil, beeswax, shea butter, and emulsifying wax into a glass jar. 

2. Slowly heat up on a double broiler on low heat. 

3. Once all melted together, add to a mixing bowl and let it cool off. You can put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes. 

4. Once it has slightly hardened, add in your essential oils.

5. Use a handheld mixer and mix on medium for about a minute or until it is fluffy. 

6. Once everything is combined, slowly add in the magnesium water while mixing on low until all combined. Put in a container and enjoy! 


  • Any carrier oil works. I used a sleep infused oil so that it would be more powerful for sleep. 
  • You can make your own magnesium water by combining 1/4 cup magnesium flakes and ¼ cup hot water. 
  • Essential oils are optional. I used lavender to help with sleep.
Magnesium lotion top view

Magnesium Lotion


  • ¼ cup magnesium water
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons carrier oil (I used a sleep infused oil blend I made)
  • 3 tablespoons beeswax
  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon emulsifying wax
  • 30-40 drops essential oil (optional)


    1. Add the coconut oil, carrier oil, beeswax, shea butter, and emulsifying wax into a glass jar.
    2. Slowly heat up on a double broiler on low heat.
    3. Once all melted together, add to a mixing bowl and let it cool off. You can put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
    4. Once it has slightly hardened, add in your essential oils.
    5. Use a handheld mixer and mix on medium for about a minute or until it is fluffy.
    6. Once everything is combined, slowly add in the magnesium water while mixing on low until all combined. Put in a container and enjoy!


    • Any carrier oil works. I used a sleep infused oil so that it would be more powerful for sleep.
    • You can make your own magnesium water by combining 1/4 cup magnesium flakes and ¼ cup hot water.
    • Essential oils are optional. I used lavender to help with sleep.

    Benefits of Magnesium Lotion

    Now that you know how to make your own, here are some of the benefits of this magnesium chloride lotion:

    Improved Sleep Quality

    Magnesium is renowned for its ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. By incorporating magnesium lotion into your bedtime routine, you provide your body with a natural and effective way to unwind.

    The optional addition of lavender essential oil in the recipe further enhances its sleep-inducing properties, making it a perfect addition to your evening ritual.

    Soothing Sore Muscles

    Whether you’re an athlete or simply dealing with the strains of daily life, magnesium lotion can be your go-to solution for soothing sore muscles. Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle function and relaxation.

    Applying the lotion topically allows the mineral to be absorbed directly into the muscles, providing relief and promoting faster recovery.

    Reduces Stress

    Magnesium is often referred to as the “anti-stress” mineral. It helps regulate the release of stress hormones and acts as a natural relaxant for both the body and mind.

    Applying magnesium lotion to your skin allows for quick absorption, offering a calming sensation that can help alleviate stress and tension, especially if you add in lavender essential oil!

    Improved Skin Health

    Beyond its internal benefits, magnesium is also beneficial for the skin. When included in a lotion, it contributes to skin hydration, supports collagen production, and aids in maintaining overall skin health.

    Regular use of magnesium lotion can leave your skin feeling nourished and revitalized.

    Enhanced Mood and Mental Clarity

    Magnesium plays a vital role in neurotransmitter function, influencing mood and cognitive function. By incorporating magnesium lotion into your daily routine, you can potentially experience improved mood and mental clarity.

    This makes it an excellent addition to your morning routine or whenever you need a mental pick-me-up.

    Aids in Digestion

    One of my favorite ways to use my magnesium lotion is by rubbing it on my stomach right before bed or whenever I have a stomachache.

    Magnesium has been known to help with digestion, and it always makes my stomach feel so much better.

    It’s one of my favorite natural remedies for my kids stomachs too!

    Ways to Use Magnesium Lotion

    Now that you’ve crafted your magnesium lotion, let’s explore some creative ways to incorporate it into your daily life:

    1. Bedtime Routine

    Apply a small amount of magnesium lotion to your legs and stomach before bedtime. The calming properties of magnesium, coupled with the soothing scent of lavender, can create a tranquil bedtime ritual that promotes relaxation and better sleep.

    2. Post-Workout Recovery

    Massage magnesium lotion into your muscles after a workout to aid in recovery. The lotion’s quick absorption allows for targeted relief, helping to alleviate muscle soreness and tension.

    I love using magnesium lotion for muscles after a long day of being a mother. Makes my muscles feel so much better.

    3. Stress-Busting Hand Massage

    Keep a small container of magnesium lotion at your desk or in your bag for a stress-busting hand massage.

    Taking a moment to massage your hands with magnesium lotion can provide a quick and effective way to relax during a busy day.

    4. Skin Hydration Boost

    Use magnesium lotion as a part of your regular skincare routine. Apply it to dry areas like elbows, knees, and heels to boost hydration and maintain healthy-looking skin.

    5. Mood-Boosting Aromatherapy

    Take advantage of the optional essential oils in the recipe for a personalized aromatherapy experience. Choose scents that uplift your mood and apply the lotion for a fragrant and mood-boosting experience.

    Many wonder if they can use magnesium lotion for anxiety. Magnesium’s relaxing properties make it a potential ally in anxiety management. Consider incorporating magnesium lotion into your relaxation routine, but consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

    Magnesium Lotion Side Effects

    While magnesium lotion is generally well-tolerated, it’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects. These can include skin irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. Perform a patch test before widespread use and discontinue if irritation occurs.

    When you are deficient, you might feel some tingles when you put on the lotion, but it doesn’t last very long.

    Magnesium Lotion Wrap-Up

    The benefits of magnesium lotion extend beyond its simple DIY recipe. From improved sleep quality to targeted muscle relief, this lotion with magnesium can easily become a staple in your wellness routine.

    Experiment with scents, adjust concentrations, and personalize your magnesium lotion experience. As with any wellness practice, listen to your body, and consult with professionals if needed.

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