
Easy DIY Eucalyptus Soap Bar Recipe + 6 Benefits of Eucalyptus 

Do you love making soap? Even if you have never tried making soap before, this is by far the easiest eucalyptus soap recipe you will ever find! Eucalyptus is widely used for so many great reasons. This soap bar recipe uses a melt-and-pour soap base to easily create a DIY essential oil and herb soap in a matter of minutes! 

Here is your ultimate guide on how to make a natural eucalyptus soap using all-natural ingredients! 

FAQS for Eucalyptus Soap

On average, does bar soap last longer than liquid? 

While it all will depend on how often you use it and if you use a bar soap bag or dish, typically bar soaps do last longer than liquid soaps! 

How do I make organic soap without any chemicals?

If you use an organic melt-and-pour base, you can easily make soap without chemicals. Lye is used in DIY soap recipes, but none is left in the final product. 

Is eucalyptus soap good for the skin? 

Yes, eucalyptus soap is good for the skin! The soap will keep your skin soft and healthy depending on what base you use (I prefer goat’s milk). Read on to find out the other amazing eucalyptus soap benefits for the skin! 

Is eucalyptus safe in soap?

Eucalyptus is safe in soap if the soap contains the right proportions. Using the herb instead of the essential oil will also be very safe in a bar soap. 

What is eucalyptus soap good for? 

Eucalyptus soap is good for so many things, including cleaning your body, relaxing your muscles, soothing itches, and so much more. Read below to find out the other benefits of eucalyptus soap! 

Is eucalyptus soap good for hair? 

Eucalyptus may be able to help your hair grow stronger and faster. Overall, it will help keep your scalp healthy and strong, which will always be beneficial for your hair. 

Benefits of Eucalyptus Soap

Every time I ask my mother-in-law how to help heal anything naturally, her first word is “eucalyptus.” Now I know why! 

Because there are so many eucalyptus mint soap benefits, I have to share them! Here are just some of the amazing health benefits. 

two eucalyptus bar soaps

1. Antibacterial Properties 

Eucalyptus globulus was researched to be an effective antibacterial against E. Coli and Staph. This suggests that the eucalyptus leaves and essential oil can work as natural antibiotics in some cases [source]. 

Others studies have found using eucalyptus essential oil in a blend with cinnamon and rosemary can also be antiviral and antifungal, so it might also help fight some bacteria [source]. 

Because of the amazing properties found in eucalyptus leaves, using a handmade soap with eucalyptus can also boost your immune system [source]. 

2. Reduces Pain 

In another study, eucalyptus essential oil was found effective for helping with pain, both joint pain and muscle pain. The 1,8-cineole found in eucalyptus helps with inflammation. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory properties, which will always help with your pain levels [source]. 

Check out other great essential oils for pain.

3. Releases Sinus Pressure 

This is a fairly common benefit of using eucalyptus essential oils. Most people find that eucalyptus will help them breathe again when they are sick, or their noses are clogged. In one study, people who received Cineole, a component found in eucalyptus, felt a lot better when suffering from bronchitis [source]. 

This is why it is a great holiday soap recipe!

diy eucalyptus bar soap

4. Heals Wounds 

One study found that using eucalyptus oil helped heal wounds, which is another reason why using a eucalyptus body soap is so beneficial for your skin and body! Just a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your soap bar can make all the difference [source]. 

5. Helps with Acne

Many have tried eucalyptus soap for acne, and it does help in some cases! This goes back to the anti-inflammatory properties. It doesn’t hurt to try it! 

6. Smells Good 

Just the scent of natural eucalyptus makes me happy! This may not be a true ‘benefit,’ but it sure does smell good! Because smells play a role in our mental health and happiness, if eucalyptus smells good to you, it will make you happy every time you use your handmade soap! 

Learn about other essential oils for anxiety.

Now you must realize all the incredible eucalyptus soap benefits; here is the easiest eucalyptus soap recipe to make your own today! 

easiest eucalyptus soap recipe pin image

Easy Eucalyptus Soap Recipe 

Sure, you can buy eucalyptus soap at Walmart or on Amazon. But it will more than likely be filled with chemicals that will damage your skin and body. Chemicals in common soaps disrupt your hormones, endocrine system, and so much more. 

It is best to buy from a company you know uses all-natural ingredients that you can trust. Or, simply make your own! Here is a super easy eucalyptus soap recipe that even beginners can do! 

two eucalyptus bar soaps

DIY Eucalyptus Bar Soap

Yield: 4 1-inch bars


  • 1 lb goat’s milk melt and pour soap base
  • 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 2 tbsp dried eucalyptus leaves


  • 4-inch soap mold
  • Large 4 cup microwave-safe measuring cup
  • Silicone spoon or wooden craft stick for stirring
  • Wavy soap cutter


    1. Cut the soap base into one-inch squares, and place them into the measuring cup.
    2. Heat on high in the microwave for 30 seconds, remove and stir. Continue heating for 30-second intervals, stirring until the soap base is completely melted between each heating session.
    3. Allow the soap base to cool for 3 minutes, then add the essential oil and all but 1 tsp of eucalyptus leaves, and stir well.
    4. Continue stirring the soap base for 5 minutes, or until it has cooled down quite a bit.
    5. Pour the soap base into the mold, and sprinkle the extra eucalyptus leaves on the top.
    6. Allow soap to set, undisturbed for 4-6 hours.
    7. Then, remove from the mold, and cut into 1-inch bars.


    1. You also don’t have to use goat’s milk melt and pour soap base. Any melt and pour soap base will work fine. Choose from glycerin, shea butter, oatmeal, aloe vera, and honey, to name a few. Each has its own benefits, but I prefer using goat’s milk. I personally love the way it makes my skin and hair feel!
    2. I personally leave my soaps to set overnight, just in case. If you are in a hurry, a few hours should be just fine!

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    This recipe will make 4 1 inch bars. While that doesn’t seem like a lot, it will last you a long, long time! 


    Here are the ingredients and supplies you will need to create your own DIY eucalyptus hand soap. 

    supplies for making eucalyptus soap


    1. Cut the soap base into one-inch squares, and place them into the measuring cup.
    2. Heat on high in the microwave for 30 seconds, remove and stir. Continue heating for 30-second intervals, stirring until the soap base is completely melted between each heating session.
    3. Allow the soap base to cool for 3 minutes, then add the essential oil and all but 1 tsp of eucalyptus leaves, and stir well.
    mixing the soap base with the leaves

    4. Continue stirring the soap base for 5 minutes, or until it has cooled down quite a bit.

    5. Pour the soap base into the mold, and sprinkle the extra eucalyptus leaves on the top.

    pouring melted soap into mold

    6. Allow soap to set, undisturbed for 4-6 hours.

    melted soup in mold setting

    7. Then, remove from the mold, and cut into 1-inch bars.

    cutting the eucalyptus soap


    1. You don’t have to use this 4-inch soap mold. You can use any mold you want! My favorites are adorable flowers (like these) or bee soap molds (like these ones). Do note that if you use different molds, it will change how many bar soaps you end up making. You will make more with smaller molds and less with bigger molds. It is all up to you! Double the recipe if you want!
    2. You also don’t have to use goat’s milk melt and pour soap base. Any melt and pour soap base will work fine. Choose from glycerin, shea butter, oatmeal, aloe vera, and honey, to name a few. Each has its own benefits, but I prefer using goat’s milk. I personally love the way it makes my skin and hair feel!
    3. I personally leave my soaps to set overnight, just in case. If you are in a hurry, a few hours should be just fine!
    4. I love using herbs and essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs. They are completely organic and have been some of the best smelling oils I’ve ever had. I also love how cheap they are! Alternatively, I have also found success with Eden’s Garden and Plant Therapy
    finished product eucalyptus bar soap

    Other Eucalyptus Bar Soaps

    This is just a simple and basic recipe for eucalyptus bar soap. However, it will not hurt if you add other herbs and essential oils. Here are a few other great soap recipes for making a eucalyptus soap bar! 

    Eucalyptus Spearmint Soap

    The only difference to making a eucalyptus spearmint soap is to change your essential oil dosage. Instead of 20 drops of only eucalyptus oil, add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil and 10 drops of spearmint oil

    You can also split the leaves and do some eucalyptus, and some spearmint leaves too. It is all up to you! 

    Tea Tree Eucalyptus Soap Recipe

    Tea tree soap mixed with eucalyptus makes the perfect bar soap to help your skin, especially acne. 

    Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and only 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. After you let it set, you can use this for your all-natural facial soap and then create this DIY face serum too! After a few weeks, you’ll notice your skin being brighter and healthier.

    Charcoal Eucalyptus Soap 

    While you can still use charcoal in a melt and pour base, you will need to add a few more steps. First, combine 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal with 1 tablespoon of 99% isopropyl alcohol together. This will help so your charcoal doesn’t have any clumps. 

    Then, pour the charcoal into your melted soap base and stir very well. That’s it! You can also add some tea tree oil to further help the skin, especially if you plan on using this soap for acne. 

    Eucalyptus soap bars are so beneficial for your skin and body. Plus, they are also super easy to make! These make for a great herbal gift for moms, friends, and other family members. Even men love the smell of this bar soap! Use this easy DIY eucalyptus soap recipe over and over again to create the best handmade soap! 

    Make some lavender bath salts, lavender salves, oatmeal soap, chocolate soap, or a turmeric bar soap next!

    This fun cotton candy soap recipe is great to make with kids too!

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