
Incredibly Easy Oatmeal Melt and Pour Soap Recipe

There’s something so comforting about the smell of oatmeal. Maybe it’s the wholesome, homey feeling it gives you; or maybe you just love the taste! Either way, this oatmeal soap is sure to be your new favorite. 

Oatmeal is a wonderfully soothing grain that makes for great soaps. Melt and pour oatmeal soap is an easy way to get started making your own homemade soaps at home. 

You don’t need any special equipment or advanced skills to make an oatmeal melt and pour soap, and it doesn’t require any risky chemicals or processes. 

Here is a super easy oatmeal melt and pour soap recipe you will love! 

oatmeal soap recipe pin image

Can You Use Oatmeal in Melt and Pour Soap? 

Yes you can add oatmeal to a melt and pour soap base. You can add it just how it is or you can grind it down for a different texture. The options are pretty endless! 

How Much Oatmeal can I Add to Melt and Pour Soap? 

This all depends on how much soap you plan on making, and how rough you like your soap. For this melt and pour oatmeal soap, I used ¼ cup oatmeal with one pound of soap base. 

Is Melt and Pour Soap Cheating? 

Not at all! Melt and pour soap is still considered homemade soap and is not cheating. If you plan on selling it, you will just need to add it to your label, otherwise it is still handmade soap! 

I personally only use melt and pour soap bases for all my soaps just because I don’t want to deal with lye and the other chemicals in the cold process soap method. 

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Is Oatmeal Soap Good for Your Skin? 

Oatmeal soap can be very beneficial to your skin. It usually works well for eczema and acne and is a great exfoliator for the entire body. 

Benefits of Using Oatmeal Soap 

Did you know that oatmeal has many benefits? In fact, adding oatmeal to your beauty routine is a great idea!  

melt and pour oatmeal soaps

Here are just a few of the incredible benefits of using oatmeal soap: 

  • Can help with acne
  • May help with eczema 
  • Unclogs your pores
  • Removes dead skin cells from your body 
  • Hydrates your skin 

Oatmeal is a fantastic ingredient for homemade soap because it’s natural, affordable, accessible, and beneficial for your skin.

You can use this oatmeal soap recipe for eczema, acne, as an exfoliator, and just about anything! 

Just like you might want to take an oatmeal bath to soothe your skin and body, using oatmeal in your daily soap can be just as beneficial for you. 

With its creamy texture and subtle sweetness, this soap makes an excellent self-care gift for friends and loved ones during the holidays.

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Easy Oatmeal Melt and Pour Soap Recipe

Here is an incredibly easy oatmeal melt and pour soap recipe that you will love! Because it is so easy to make, you can easily adapt it and make it fit exactly what you need. 

If you use the same soap mold that I do, it will make 4 cute flowers. 


supplies needed for oatmeal melt and pour soap recipe


  1. Cut the soap base into smaller cubes and dump them inside the measuring cup. This helps the soap to melt faster. 
  2. Then, heat the soap base in the microwave for 30 second intervals, stirring between each heating session, until it is fully melted.
adding essential oil to melted soap base
  1. Once it is melted, allow it to cool a bit, about 30ish seconds. Then add the essential oil and oatmeal and stir to combine.
adding oatmeal to melted soap base
  1. Once it is all mixed together, pour the soap mixture into the mold. 
pouring soap into flower mold
  1. If you want, you can spray with rubbing alcohol to help reduce bubbles on the top of the soap, but you do not have to. 
  2. Allow the soap to set for about 2 hours, then you can unmold. I usually leave it overnight because I make the soap in the evening, but after a few hours it should be ready to pop out. 
picture of finished soaps


  1. This oatmeal soap recipe uses a melt and pour goat’s milk base, but you can always use an oatmeal melt and pour soap base for extra oatmeal if you want! 
  2. If you prefer, you can melt the soap base over the stove in a glass jar. The microwave is a faster, easier option for most. 
  3. You can use whatever essential oil you want. If you are making it for a DIY gift, add the smell your family member loves.
  4. You can add in some mica powder to color your soaps, but I prefer to leave it how it is. 
  5. Use any soap mold you want! Here are some of the best soap molds I have found. 
  6. You can grind up the oatmeal for a different texture, similar to coffee soap.
  7. Be sure to package up your soap with no waste gift wrap to be more eco-friendly!

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